@^_^@2005-11-19 19:01:50


Joy Of The Journey

Are you so focused on results that you miss the joy of the journey? In your quest to get there quickly, are you bypassing much of the value along the way?

Certainly it is important to focus on the results you intend to reach. It is also critical to focus on and appreciate the real value that goes into making those results, and that value is to be found and to be lived along the way.

Achievement is not some future object. It is a present state of being.

Yes, achievement does indeed have a future objective. Yet the place where achievement happens is always here and now.

Because of that, the more you enjoy building the achievement, the more valuable that achievement will always be. The more you savor the journey, the more magnificent and fulfilling the destination will be.

Success is not merely something that you will someday attain. Success is yours the moment you begin to truly appreciate, value and enjoy the journey.

-- Ralph Marston

书童2005-11-19 19:07:27
供你参考2005-11-19 19:35:20
Made my day!
万年月2005-11-19 19:40:28
@^_^@2005-11-19 20:11:54
问好,万年月! 周末愉快! :)
白鹭飞2005-11-19 20:29:54
音乐真优美, 飘逸的婉转笛声直入心田,喜欢极了,谢谢@^_^@ !
线2005-11-20 00:50:27
为什么这首音乐的生命力这样强? 为什么它会在人们的心中烙下如此深刻
故园东望2005-11-20 04:20:35
听听谭炎健 葫芦丝版本的 敖包相会
huyan92005-11-20 04:25:36
凤凰蛋2005-11-20 09:44:24
书童2005-11-20 20:54:44
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