水风2005-11-29 17:34:51

专辑介绍: 奥马尔以专辑Free as a Bird(自由如飞鸟)跻身到当代器乐大师的精英梯队中,他的作品具有丰富的音乐元素,这些都是得益于他周游世界的经历。奢华浪漫的旋律,老练的结构和充满异国情调的节奏,这张专辑经得起数小时的重复播放,听者一样轻松愉快,心满意足。

Omar-2004-Free As A Bird《遨翔万里》(256k)

01.Free As A Bird 05:05
02.Passage Into Midnight 04:23
03.A Day With You 05:09
04.Falling Through The Rain 04:48
05.Beauty Unveiled 04:27
06.Dancing With The Wind 04:53
07.Surrender 06:42
08.Riding The Current 04:00
09.Never Let Go 03:35
10.Trust Unspoken 04:01 hao
11.Flight Of Mystery 05:04

  "Poised to break into the elite upper echelon of contemporary instrumental artists with Free as a Bird, Omar has created music laden with rich influences from his travels worldwide. Sumptuous romantic melodies, worldly textures and exotic rhythms, this album bears repeated listening for hours of carefree satisfaction."

~ Ted Cox, New Age Retailer

shuifeng 2005-11-23 download v0.9

水风2005-11-29 17:36:27
这回我不会再删除链接了, 想听的朋友每天都可以来听。
try2005-11-29 17:42:48
You best!
huyan92005-11-29 17:45:27
try2005-11-29 17:48:01
能否问一下,为什么播放噪音很大?需特殊的codec? 谢谢。
alantan2005-11-29 17:58:49
我听着挺好的,没有噪音8 ??
水风2005-11-29 18:00:39
try2005-11-29 18:00:39
奇怪了我这里 ?? 别的一点问题的没有
水风2005-11-29 18:01:59
try2005-11-29 18:02:42
谢谢你;=) 我再试试MP机。
try2005-11-29 18:09:53
洋葱心2005-11-29 20:32:11
click 哪里下载呀,愁死我了
huyan92005-11-29 21:35:49
帖子的底部:download v0.9, 点击前面那个词download