供你参考2005-11-29 22:32:18
New Page 1




by aidan mason

01. reason to live
02. caxton street
03. sonora
04. view from a distance
05. angle of the earth
06. azania
07. dragon passion
08. where two oceans meet
09. space king



Music source credit to Ar-q

供你参考2005-11-29 22:34:16
Have to change the font since the
线2005-11-29 23:59:57
画采采2005-11-30 00:16:43
楼主把我师傅的品位学到家了, 好贴子!!
笨Nemo2005-11-30 00:27:57
这是德国《Art of Living》(生活艺术)系列专辑之一
1401472005-11-30 00:58:40
download links?
供你参考2005-11-30 01:08:17
:))) 谢谢. 其实, 我只是一新铁手, 觉得上一个贴
供你参考2005-11-30 01:10:38
Thank you, Nemo. Yes, this is #11 of
供你参考2005-11-30 01:24:37
回复:download links?
huyan92005-11-30 01:41:14
楼主好谦虚啊,你其实是个精品专业户。 采采的师傅是fairy
供你参考2005-11-30 02:07:01
多谢,huyan9兄. 改日去拜访fairy.
Lost_One2005-11-30 03:28:30
4 & 5 are same. Please check it.
缤纷2005-11-30 04:19:30
fairy2005-11-30 19:19:02
very cute, 俺来拜访参考,象你学习:)