try2005-12-04 10:56:39

肖萧2005-12-04 17:34:16
啊,这首歌,太熟悉了, 曾是我多次远行的主题歌. 给一下链接吧,有全专
肖萧2005-12-04 17:45:22
肖萧2005-12-04 18:44:02
当年远行的一首主题诗 : 在故乡的山岗上
jgmm2005-12-04 19:27:50
Can U hear? I can't...
青梅2005-12-04 20:09:59
Thx for sharing, Xiaoxiao! It reminds me of the orginal
肖萧2005-12-04 20:36:31
I should say: Thx for sharing the orginal one, 青梅!,by the way
青梅2005-12-04 21:26:19
thx and same good weekend to you, too!
*花语*2007-12-12 03:26:54
回复:周峰 --- 与我同行 (图)