Dr-Doctor2006-01-04 13:48:11

Plaisir D'amour

Plaisir d' amour ne dure qu un moment
Chagrin d amour dure toute la vie
J ai tout quttee pour l ingrate Silvie
Elle me quitte et prend un aute amans
Plaisir d'amour dure qu un moment
Chagrin d amour dudre toute la vie
"Tant que cette eau coulera doucement
Vers ce ruisseau qui borde la prairie
Je t aimerai", me repetait Silvie
L'eau coule encor, elle a change pourtant
Plaisir d'amour ne dure qu un moment
Chagrin d'amour dudre toute la vie

The joys of love are but a moment long
The pain of love endures the whole life.
Your eyes kissed mine
I saw the love in them shine
You brought me heaven right then when your eyes kissed mine.
My love loves me
and all the wonders I see
A rainbow shines in my window
my love loves me.
And now he's gone
like a dream that fades into dawn
But the words stay locked in my heartstrings
My love loves me




Dr-Doctor2006-01-04 13:50:46
Nana's version: Plaisir D'amour
2006-01-04 16:46:04
20822006-01-04 17:47:08
one of the most beautiful songs!
*城里的月光*2006-01-04 18:48:58
肖萧2006-01-05 00:45:56
喜欢,更喜欢Nana's version的,谢谢刀刀!
patrick1002006-06-11 04:37:01
回复:Nana's version: Plaisir D'amour
yijuhua2007-01-07 03:00:54
can not open it, how to? help , thanks. :)