Dr-Doctor2006-01-15 17:48:41

Barbara Allen

Twas in the merry month of May,
When the green buds were swellin'.
A young man on his deathbed lay
For the love of Barbara Allen.

He sent his servant to the town,
Sent him to her dwellin'.
"My master's sick and and he sends for you
If you are Barbara Allen."

Then slowly, slowly she got up
Slowly she went nigh him,
And all she said when she got there
was, "My true love, you're dyin'."

He turned his face unto the wall,
Death was in him dwellin'
"Adieu, adieu, to all my sweet friends all.
Be kind to Barbara Allen."

As she was walked down the road to home
She saw his hearse a'coming
"Oh, lay him down on the cold, cold ground
That I may gaze upon him."

"Oh mother, mother make my bed
Make it soft and narrow.
For my true love has died today.
I'll die for him tomorrow."

They buried her by the old church tower
Him they lay beside her,
And from her grave, grew a red, red rose,
And from his grave, grew a briar.

They grew to the top of the old church tower,
Till they could grow no higher,
And there they twined in a true love's knot,
The red, red rose and the briar.

silly-kitt2006-01-15 20:08:59
紫米粥2006-01-15 22:03:03
completely different culture. think about all the love
rayray2006-01-15 23:51:15
哎哟猫哇~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 乐S人不偿命!!
rayray2006-01-15 23:58:29
强烈建议置顶此文做年度胎教最佳范文!!! :)))
silly-kitt2006-01-16 00:31:30
嗯,不偿命!————姐姐还健在耶...... :)))
silly-kitt2006-01-16 00:32:49
孕妇在哈哈中早产,姐姐负责! :)))
青蛙-2006-01-16 00:41:12
不轻弹2006-01-16 04:43:16
silly-kitt2006-01-16 07:27:21
Satire--讽刺文学--is also a kind of expression. It's not
紫米粥2006-01-16 13:28:06
wow, misunderstanding? personally i just felt that your
silly-kitt2006-01-16 15:58:56
silly-kitt2006-01-16 16:04:36
妹妹:俺对合情合理地东西,向来是尊而重之地。 :)))
rayray2006-01-16 17:54:46
rayray2006-01-16 17:58:18
silly-kitt2006-01-16 18:01:03
rayray2006-01-16 18:37:25
嗯哪,咱俩多那啥啥心有灵犀亚 :)
Dr-Doctor2006-01-17 00:58:56
嘿嘿,:嘿嘿,嘿嘿个啥呀!进来俺和你理论理论 :)))
rayray2006-01-17 01:02:41
这双料DR太高深!没猫猫的平铺直叙家喻户晓通俗易懂 :)
Dr-Doctor2006-01-17 01:54:10
中国有红学研究,美国人/英国人也有Barbara Allen研究啊
silly-kitt2006-01-17 06:13:55
是地姐姐!晚安! 好梦! :)
silly-kitt2006-01-17 06:16:34
哥你太深奥勒;猫妹佩服地垂尾耷拉耳...... :)))