goodluck2U2006-04-06 04:08:35

约翰.丹佛1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州,从小喜爱音乐,显露出良好的音乐素质。8岁时祖母送他一把吉他,开始学习音乐。青年时代在大学攻读建筑设计专业,他与1971年放弃学业,一心从事乡村歌曲的创作和演唱,当年即以演唱歌颂弗吉尼亚山区美丽风光的《故乡的路》(Countryroad, Takemehome)一举成名。 1979年1月邓小平访美时,曾在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心举行的文艺晚会上聆听和约翰.丹佛的演唱。约翰.丹佛1980年曾到上海游览,有感于上海外滩的景色和都市气息,回国后特地创作了一首歌曲《上海的微风》(ShanghaiBreezes),以表达他对上海的美好印象和对上海人民的友好感情。 1997年十月十二日,一架属于歌手JohnDenver的小型飞机在加州外海失事坠毁,驾驶员当场丧生。由于没有人确知JohnDenver当天的行踪,而残骸支离破碎,难以立即辨认死者身分,起先人们还希望出现...

Horses are creatures who worship the earth as they gallop on feet of ivory. Constrained by the wonder of dying and birth, t he horses still run, they are free. My body is merely the shell of my soul but the flesh must be given its due. Like a pony that carries its rider back home, like an old friend that's tried and been true. I had a vision of eagles and horses high on a ridge in a race with the wind. Going higher and higher and faster and faster, on eagles and horses, I'm flying again. Eagles inhabit the heavenly heights, they know neither limit nor bound. They're the guardian angels of darkness and light, they see all and hear every sound. My spirit will never be broken or caught for the soul is a free-flying thing. Like an eagle that needs neither comfort nor thought to rise up on glorious wings. I had a vision of eagles and horses high on a ridge in a race with the wind. My body is merely the shell of my soul, but the flesh must be given its due. Like a pony that carries its master back home, like an old friend that's tried and been true. My spirit will never be broken or caught for the soul is a free-flying thing. Like an eagle that needs neither comfort nor thought to rise up on glorious wings. I had a vision of eagles and horses high on a ridge in a race with the wind.
goodluck2U2006-04-06 04:13:37
补全名字:John Denver - Eagles and horses
83412006-04-06 04:14:41