听听音乐2004-01-12 17:36:00

When You Told Me You Loved Me

Once doesn't mean anything to me
Come, show me the meaning of complete
Where? did our love go wrong
Once we were so strong
How will I go on?

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one

Why? can't I just leave it all behind
I, the passion so bright that I was blind
Then something made me weak
Talking in my sleep
Baby I'm to deep, and you know I believed

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one

Your lips, your face
Sending that time just can't erase
My heart could break all over again

When you told me you loved me
Did you know it would take me the rest of my life
To get over the feeling of knowing a dream didn't turn out right
When you let me believe
That you were incomplete without me by your side
How could I know, that you would go, that you would run
Baby I thought you were the one
1999年底以高亢清亮的嗓音演唱「I Wanna Love You Forever 」一曲震驚樂壇,贏得“天后接班人”稱號的Jessica Simpson,其不僅以首支單曲「I Wanna Love You Forever」登上Billboard熱門百名單曲榜的Top 3,締造破百萬的銷售數字外,首張專輯「Sweet Kisses」更已獲全美雙白金銷售認證,而專輯與單曲並已共創下全球突破400萬張的銷售數字!
此張專輯是Jessica繼“Sweet Kisses”之後,令人期待已久的最新專輯,不僅充份展現了這位擁有強烈生命力的年輕歌手的成長,結合了流行、節奏藍調以及跨界的寬廣音樂風格,更展露出Jessica不斷茁壯成熟的歌唱天賦。除了收錄與專輯同名、華麗的首支單曲「Irresistible」外,還有最具男人魅力的世界巨星Marc Anthony與Jessica深情對唱的「There You Were」,旋律動人的「A Little Bit」以及具暢銷相的「What's It Gonna Be」。Jessica很小时候已经立下志愿要以歌唱表演为终生事业。出生于得州Dalaas的 Jessica,12岁的时候参加了电视节目“Mickey Mouse Club”的试镜,她优异的才华和表现使得她一路打进决赛,但她却在最后试镜时打了退堂鼓,她笑着承认:“对,我逃跑了,不过,那次经验使我更坚信我所选择的路是正确的。”第二年, Jessica在参加一个教会所举办的营队时,将一卷清唱《Amazing Grace》这首圣歌的录音带,交给一位正准备要成立一个福音歌曲厂牌的客座讲师,于是 Jessica就被该唱片公司签下来了,可是没想到花了三年时间录制的第一张福音歌曲大碟却因为这个唱片公司的经营不善而未能发行。但这次打击并没有动摇 Jessica的决心。于是她自己带着这张大碟里的歌曲,到各地青年团里演唱,累计下来 Jessica共计在超过两万人次以上的观众面前演唱。在她祖母出钱帮她出版了这张胎死腹中的大碟之后, Jessica和父亲一起带着大碟上路。在父亲巡回全美讲道的同时, Jessica也会在布疲乏中高歌,每一场布道会结束, Jessica的这张自制大碟就会在会场销售一空。 Jessica很快就穿越宗教界,打入流行音乐国度。


02- Little Bit

03-Forever in Your Eyes

04- There You Were

05- What's It Gonna Be

06-When You Told Me You Loved Me

07-Hot Like Fire


09- To Fall in Love Again

10-For Your Love

11- I Never 5

12- His Eye Is on the Sparrow

13- Irresistible (Hex Hector Club Mix)

听听音乐2004-01-12 18:21:00
thanks~2004-01-12 18:40:00
i can hear! thanks!
听听音乐2004-01-12 19:22:00
听听音乐2004-01-12 19:24:00
谢谢你!many thanks back to you!
听听音乐2004-01-12 21:02:00