83412006-07-07 02:14:50

曲是「歌特之王」Nick Cave與澳洲美女Kylie Minogue合作的一首歌,講述了一個男子與一位讓他心儀女子的短暫相遇,而三天後,就出於一種自卑心理而將其殺害的故事。在一片哀怨浪漫卻充滿恐懼色彩的絃樂中,藝術達到了最大的感染力。 Where The Wild Roses Grow They call me The wild rose 他們叫我野玫瑰 But my name was Elisa Day 但我的名字叫做elisa day Why they call me it I do not know 我不知道他們為什麼這麼叫我 For my name was Elisa Day 因為我的名字叫做elisa day From the first day I saw I knew she was the one 第一天見到,我就知道她是唯一 As she stared in my eyes and smiled 當她看見我的眼睛並且微笑 For her lips were the colour of the roses 她的嘴唇是玫瑰的顏色 That grew down the river, all bloody and wild 那些長在河邊的玫瑰,血紅的,野氣的 When he knocked on my door and entered the room 當他敲響我的門走進房間 My trembling subsided in his sure embrace 在他堅定的擁抱中的戰慄平息了 He would be my first man, and with a careful hand 他將是我的第一個男人,他用手輕輕 He wiped at the tears that ran down my face 擦去從我臉上滑落的淚水 . They call me The wild rose 他們叫我野玫瑰 But my name was Elisa Day 但我的名字叫做elisa day Why they call me it I do not know 我不知道他們為什麼這麼叫我 For my name was Elisa Day 因為我的名字叫做elisa day On the second day I brought her a flower 第二天我帶給她一朵花 She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen 她比我所有曾見過的女人都要美麗 I said, "Do you know where the wild roses grow 我說:「你是否知道何處的野玫瑰長得 So sweet and scarlet and free?" 如此甜美、鮮紅和自由?」 On the second day he came with a single red rose 第二天他帶來一朵孤獨的紅玫瑰 Said: "Will you give me your loss and your sorrow?" 說:「你是否願意把你的失落和悲傷交給我?」 I nodded my head, as I lay on the bed 我點頭,在床上躺下 He said, "If I show you the roses will you follow?" 他說:「如果我指給你看那些玫瑰你是否會跟著我來?」 . They call me The wild rose 他們叫我野玫瑰 But my name was Elisa Day 但我的名字叫做elisa day Why they call me it I do not know 我不知道他們為什麼這麼叫我 For my name was Elisa Day 因為我的名字叫做elisa day On the third day he took me to the river 第三天他帶我去了那條河邊 He showed me the roses and we kissed 讓我看那些玫瑰然後我們接吻 And the last thing I heard was a muttered word 我最後聽到的一句呢喃 As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist 當他手裡拿著一塊石頭笑著站在我上面 On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow 最後一天我帶她到野玫瑰生長的地方 And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief 她躺在河堤上,連風也輕飄得不敢驚動她 As I kissed her goodbye, I said, "All beauty must die" 當我向 她吻別,我說「美的歸宿終是死亡」 And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth 我種了一朵玫瑰在她的唇間 . They call me The wild rose 他們叫我野玫瑰 But my name was Elisa Day 但我的名字叫做elisa day Why they call me it I do not know 我不知道他們為什麼這麼叫我 For my name was Elisa Day 因為我的名字叫做elisa day my name was Elisa Day 我的名字叫做elisa day For my name was Elisa Day 因為我的名字叫做elisa day
83412006-07-07 02:16:33
哀怨浪漫卻充滿恐懼, 胆小者甚入!
微笑的鱼2006-07-07 02:46:45
xueyou2006-07-07 03:03:04
微笑的鱼2006-07-07 03:32:36
Sweetlife2006-07-07 06:05:03
A nice sad story!
shutong2006-07-07 07:37:18