圣牛2006-07-16 19:39:55
ksf2006-07-16 21:54:40
殇 电视剧倩女幽魂
林贝卡2006-07-16 21:56:53
From "颓废也是种美" to "感伤的提琴", what is next?
KSF2006-07-16 22:01:29
Guess what, 圣牛 won't end his work till the tears are on your c
KSF2006-07-16 22:02:08
on you cheek.
林贝卡2006-07-16 22:10:51
Let's wait and see....
圣牛2006-07-16 22:42:50
ok,one more try, then i'll give up. :))
shutong2006-07-17 07:24:40
yn2006-07-17 09:28:47
感动了, 仿佛看见月下那爬在琴弦上的泪珠...