青梅2006-09-12 23:07:36

Bob Seger

Old Time Rock and Roll
Just take those old records off the shelf
Ill sit and listen to em by myself
Todays music aln t got the same soul
I like that old time rock n roll
Dont try to take me to a disco
Youll never even get me out on the
In ten minutes Ill be late for the door
I like that old time rockn roll

Still like that old time rockn roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock n roll
Wont go to hear them play a tango
Id rather hear some blues or funky old soul
Theres only sure way to get me to go
Start playing old time rock n roll
Call me a relic, call me what you will
Say Im old-fashioned, say Im over the hill
Today music aint got the same soul
I like that old time rock n roll

Still like that old time rockn roll
That kind of music just soothes the soul
I reminisce about the days of old
With that old time rock n roll


青梅2006-09-12 23:08:56
To All Old N New Friends :))
johnz0022006-09-12 23:14:29
"That kind of music just soothes the soul", ...
圣牛2006-09-12 23:14:43
青梅2006-09-12 23:21:51
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-12 23:23:05
I'm not old!!who says I'm old???!
青梅2006-09-12 23:23:57
trust me :) it's soothing grandpa
青梅2006-09-12 23:27:36
回复:I'm not old!!who says I'm old???!
圣牛2006-09-12 23:32:06
and we can handle some truth
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-12 23:37:14
did you mean to ask
圣牛2006-09-12 23:43:23
not sure grandpa wants to try that, john maybe
青梅2006-09-13 00:00:57
do you want to try? if you don't rock,
rayray2006-09-13 00:01:11
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-13 00:08:17
rayray2006-09-13 00:16:13
女孩的心思你别猜,猜来猜去也猜不明白 (ZT某歌词)
winking2006-09-13 01:10:14
青梅好,time to rockn roll :)))))
书童2006-09-13 05:03:34
It's Never Too Old To Rock N Roll !问好青梅。
跑跑2006-09-13 05:04:28
青梅2006-09-13 05:10:10
跑跑2006-09-13 08:57:09
Nice song indeed! Happy to have you back on board
rayray2006-09-13 19:14:20
Youth is not a time of life, it is the state of mind, right dear