@^_^@2006-09-22 08:43:19

《Tough Little Boys》

凭借着一把略带沙哑又饱含深情的嗓音,Gary Allen在Nashville的音乐之路自从他第一张专辑《It Would Be You》之后便开阔起来。这个桔镇出生,加州成长的歌手从小便显示出过人的音乐天赋,12岁便和父亲及哥哥一起在酒吧表演谋生,14岁便开始自己创作歌曲,15岁时已经成为了唱片公司的签约歌手。多年来凭借在各张专辑中日渐成熟的演绎,Gary Allen缔造了多首排行榜上的冠军单曲,包括《It Would Be You》、《Man To Man》、《Smoke Rings In The Dark》等,也逐渐得到了乐迷和评论界的认可和好评。2003年,Gary发行了个人第五张专辑《See If I Care》,其中的《Tough Little Boys》再次成为冠军单曲。

Well I never once, backed down from a punch.
Well I'd take it square on the chin.
And I found out fast a bully’s just that,
And you’ve got to stand up to him.
So I didn't cry when I got a black eye,
As bad as it hurt I just grinned.
But when tough little boys grow up to be dads
They turn into BIG babies again.

Scared me to death, when you took your first steps,
Well I'd fall every time you fell down.
Your first day of school, I cried like a fool, and
I followed your school bus to town.

Well I didn't cry when Old Yeller died,
At least not in front of my friends.
But when tough little boys grow up to be dads
They turn into BIG babies again.

Well I'm a grown man but as strong as I am,
Well sometimes its hard to believe,
How one little girl with little blond curls,
Can totally terrify me.
If you were to ask my wife would just laugh,
She'd say, "I know all about men,
And how tough little boys grow up to be Dads
They turn into BIG babies again."

Well I know one day I'll give you away,
And I'm gonna stand there and smile.
But when I get home and I'm all alone,
Well I'll sit in your room for a while.

Well I didn't cry when Old Yeller died,
At least not in front of my friends.
But when tough little boys grow up to be dads
They turn into BIG babies again.

When tough little boys grow up to be dads
They turn into BIG babies again.


nan_feng2006-09-22 20:17:55
turn into big babies