Forevermore2006-11-13 19:38:47

Vitas – 妈妈 Its Hard to tell you in words the feelings that are living inside of me how can I explain everything you, I remember, Mama kind, sweet forgive me because I was so stubborn and I took the dark path. Forgive me, dear for my rare letters I’m kissing your hand in my thoughts and your quiet lips. I often cry, remembering how I hurt you forgive me, my dear forgive me one last time. How much longer do I have to understand. probably not long for I couldn’t recognize love. Forgive me, my dear for my rare letters I’m kissing your hand in my thoughts and your quiet lips.

绿色和平原子弹2006-11-13 19:56:37
Forevermore2006-11-13 19:57:12
圣牛2006-11-13 22:03:55
Forevermore2006-11-13 22:23:16
圣牛2006-11-13 22:30:43
hunter of the day