林贝卡2006-12-01 14:39:32
The paint is from John. Thank you. Lyrics and download link:
林贝卡2006-12-01 14:40:50
Hi, guys, it is weekend. It is party time. Have a great weekend.
肖蔚为2006-12-01 15:03:15
粉丝王2006-12-01 15:09:53
Haha,let's dance. I can't remember when was
Forevermore2006-12-01 15:31:58
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2006-12-01 15:46:48
nice weekend!
七品带砖护卫2006-12-01 15:54:32
tyhongau2006-12-01 16:25:15
johnz0022006-12-01 16:50:59
Cool Dance. Good Morning Rebecca.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:07:36
回复:Haha,let's dance. I can't remember when was
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:08:35
肖蔚为, any plans for the weekend?
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:09:28
Forevermore, thank you very much. Enjoy your weekend.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:10:21
艾丽, have a wonderful weekend.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:11:21
七品带砖护卫, I used to dance a lot,. But I am too busy to danc
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2006-12-01 17:14:41
卡卡姐好! 5555555... 想你了.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:14:41
tyhongau, thank you very much for your compliments.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:17:32
John, enjoy the rest of the day.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:19:42
Oh, it is nice to be missed, thank you. Do not cry, little艾丽.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:23:19
But I am too busy to dance now. Have a nice weekend.
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:25:39
Take care, little艾丽
EvaLuna2006-12-01 17:40:46
林贝卡2006-12-01 17:47:55
Eva, thank you. 女人就是女人:喜欢她的后背线条。
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2006-12-01 17:49:43
5555555, 好感动, 谢谢林姐姐!
lili~2006-12-01 18:21:57
casa2006-12-01 18:33:58
want to dance too
林贝卡2006-12-01 19:06:13
Little sis, another little wowan: 喜欢她的后背线条(zt).
林贝卡2006-12-01 19:06:55
casa, go for it. Have a great time.,
林贝卡2006-12-01 19:09:10
Another little woman:: 喜欢她的后背线条(zt).