weston2006-12-01 22:50:59
LSO conducted by Andre Previn:

1st mvmt:

2nd mvmt: see 心不老 msg (I still can't get the xhute.com clips, who's performer?)

3rd mvmt:
watendlath2006-12-02 01:24:04
sofa and thankyou! btw, do you have 魔笛女高音选段?
:)samHu(:2006-12-02 01:48:12
weston2006-12-02 02:54:05
i like her determination to win a top spot in a
:)samHu(:2006-12-02 03:31:55
箫笛2006-12-02 07:42:55
心不老2006-12-02 08:26:25
谢谢weston! 差点漏了您的帖!这个很好,Great performance!