weston2006-12-10 01:27:21
great, thx!
子弟兵2006-12-10 01:30:21
不客气, 请问怎样插入YOUTUBE的MOIVE?
weston2006-12-10 01:37:15
copy/paste the content in the "embed" box into the text area.
weston2006-12-10 01:41:02
Mireille Mathieu is such an emotional singer. See this one:
子弟兵2006-12-10 01:43:46
that's what i did in 插入电影, but won't work.
weston2006-12-10 01:48:08
from youtube or elsewhere? not all the embedding
子弟兵2006-12-10 01:48:42
and such beautiful.
weston2006-12-10 01:50:54
don't insert its url into your own embedding. just
子弟兵2006-12-10 02:33:53
I mean in 加新贴->插入电影->paste youtube clip url.
weston2006-12-10 02:43:32
none of that. just paste the content next to "Embed"
子弟兵2006-12-10 02:56:03
weston2006-12-10 03:17:36
follow my instruction above.