weston2006-12-18 03:26:56
This is a beautiful performance by Enescu.

George Enesco (1881-1955)罗马尼亚作曲家,指挥家,小提琴家。耶胡迪·梅纽因的老师,七岁入维也纳音乐学院学习。作品有交响曲《罗马尼亚狂想曲》,歌剧《俄狄浦斯》。

*梅梅*2006-12-18 04:48:59
bosanova2006-12-18 06:18:37
romantic interpreations of corelli are not popular now
weston2006-12-18 18:17:29
each generation of performing artists may have a different
bosanova2006-12-18 22:54:38
yes, it's a matter of taste; i am firmly of the opinion
weston2006-12-19 01:29:40
evolution is an invetable force. it's hard to listen