林贝卡2007-01-05 16:11:26

林贝卡2007-01-05 16:18:20
大家周末快乐。【Blowing In The Wind】 歌词和下载:
TyHongAu2007-01-05 16:21:21
Rebecca, good morning!终於等到妳的好帖. Thanks!
林贝卡2007-01-05 16:30:13
TyHongAu, thank you. Have a nice weekend.
YYKDFAN2007-01-05 16:38:49
哈, 等了好久才听见:) 这是我最早学会的英文歌之一, 喜欢!!
林贝卡2007-01-05 16:57:29
YYKDFAN, maybe the song was blown away by the wind...
cb8082007-01-05 17:08:04
Angelama2007-01-05 17:25:51
回复:歌曲:【Blowing In The Wind】 演唱:南方二重唱
林贝卡2007-01-05 17:31:25
回复:歌曲:【Blowing In The Wind】 演唱:南方二重唱
林贝卡2007-01-05 17:33:10
Angela , please try this:
林贝卡2007-01-05 17:36:00
cb808, it is due to the wind...lol. Have a nice weekend.
绿色和平原子弹2007-01-05 18:04:40
again, very nice
reginalily2007-01-05 18:35:19
lili~2007-01-05 19:34:24
beautiful and great!贝卡姐及楼上朋友周末愉快!
johnz0022007-01-05 20:01:20
林贝卡2007-01-05 21:04:33
Artist, thank you. Have a nice weekend.
林贝卡2007-01-05 21:05:06
Little sis, thank you. Any plans for the weekend.
林贝卡2007-01-05 21:05:43
John, I am glad that you like it. Have a nice weekend.
一程歌2007-01-05 22:53:23
好图, 偷一张打出来挂在墙上不介意吧? 周末愉快, 林妹妹.
林贝卡2007-01-05 23:30:38
一程歌, it is free. Take as many as you want. Have a nice weeken
林贝卡2007-01-06 00:40:49
reginalily , my pleasure. Have a nice weekend.
:)samHu(:2007-01-06 00:52:52
春夏秋冬的美浑然一体~~~~ 贝卡周末愉快!
林贝卡2007-01-06 01:57:57
:)samHu(:- , thanks. Nice weekend.
临风仙子2007-01-06 02:52:10
林贝卡2007-01-06 08:00:29
临风仙子, 周末愉快. 还没有想好呢。
箫笛2007-01-06 08:00:40
林贝卡2007-01-06 08:41:53
箫笛, thank you. Have a nice weekend.