weston2007-01-14 05:43:45
Here are six excellent performances of Sempre Libera.  Gheorghiu's version is listed separately since the others' video quality is not as high, plus she's more fun to watch.

1. Angela Gheorghiu:

A longer version of the same performance can be found here.

2. Maria Callas,  Victoria De Los Angeles,  Joan Sutherland,  Teresa Stratas,  Sumi Jo:  (Experimenting with the playlist.)

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YYKDFAN2007-01-14 09:42:34
Oh, truly excellent performances !!!!!
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2007-01-14 12:56:04
weston2007-01-14 19:00:08
小艾有主见. IMO, early Callas was just gorgeous.
weston2007-01-14 19:01:07
lli_go2007-01-14 22:08:36
weston 上手真快呢. 谢分享.