fairy2007-01-30 16:14:57
http://files.myopera.com/nenericardo/albums/14719/deftones-screaming-cat.jpg width=800>


"Rats! Rats! Rats!"

Decide! Decide! is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it!
Is this decide!?
Really? Fine!

You walked in here, was it like a dream?
You got in here, was it like it seemed?

I won't say nothing, nothing,
Not a ing thing!
Wish you woulda said something, something!

Decide! Decide! is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it?
Is this just fine?
Just fine!
Everything is fine!
Everything's just fine!
Everything is fine!
E-very-things fine...

You walked in it, was it like a dream?
You got in it, was it like it seemed?

I won't say nothing, nothing,
Not a ing thing!
I just wanna say something, something!
And I wish one thing, one thing
Just one ing thing!
I heard her say something,
Something, something!

Decide! Decide! Is this safe to say!?
Decide! Is that your style?
Is this decide!?
Decide! Is this it?
Is this just fine?
E-very-things fine!
Everything is fine!
Everything just fine!
Everything is fine!

fairy2007-01-30 16:18:49
回复:"Rats! Rats! Rats!" - deftones (图)
绿色和平原子弹2007-01-30 16:50:44
fairy2007-01-30 17:19:01
圣牛2007-01-30 17:39:47
awesome2!前辈's got some taste~有没有听过digital bath
sridhar2007-01-30 17:46:38
圣牛2007-01-30 17:58:45
here u go..
EvaLuna2007-01-30 18:43:26
yass~~i walked in and made the decision~~listen to me, fate~~
绿色和平原子弹2007-01-30 19:15:47
what's ur friggin decision?
fairy2007-01-30 19:17:22
牛牛got some taste beside grass :)
fairy2007-01-30 19:21:13
hi, ^_&
磨坊小札2007-01-30 19:23:44
maomao is coming soon, run, pls!
johnz0022007-01-30 19:35:10
牛牛不是吃素滴。Hi, everybody, can I share some rats?
fairy2007-01-30 19:42:28
help u self , be a friend of cat!
lili~2007-01-30 20:01:39
问好酷酷的小仙女MM~~!love all your posts~!
圣牛2007-01-30 20:14:30
PF!loads of respect~~~
圣牛2007-01-30 20:17:03
sridhar2007-01-30 20:38:35