easycy2007-02-06 17:33:56

Erik Satie (1866-1925) born May 17, 1866 in Honfleur, Basse-Normandie, France, Erik Satie was a music composer, and a performing pianist, though mainly for caf? and cabaret audiences. Satie wrote theatre and ballet music, as well as piano music. His compositions are original, humorous, often bizarre, and very minimalistic. His music is sometimes called furniture music, supposed to be in the background of everyday life. It is evidently anti-romantic and also anti-impressionistic. " width=300 height=40 controls=ControlPanel loop=true autostart=true volume=100 type=audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin Initfn=load-types mime-types=mime.types >
easycy2007-02-06 17:36:14
抛砖引玉。实在找不到更好的version. 哪一位?
easycy2007-02-06 17:58:16
请闭上眼睛听。注意音乐,忽略图像吧!! 嘻嘻 : ))
easycy2007-02-06 18:00:12
各位闭着眼睛听吧. pay attention to audio, ignore vedio. lol : ))
johnz0022007-02-06 18:31:47
正义女神的男朋友2007-02-06 18:40:09