圣牛2007-02-23 20:21:49

“The Unforgiven” - 6m26s - 1991 - The Black Album

“The Unforgiven” had such a big impact on the fans that the band decided to follow it up with a sequel: “The Unforgiven II” on 1997's Reload. Musically, the difference between the two is very subtle, the first being a softer acoustic flavoured track while the latter is all electric guitars. I like the use of electric guitars on “Unforgiven II” but prefer the original version. Like I said before, I like picking these songs on my acoustic electric guitar. On this track Hetfield describes someone’s life, from early childhood to old age, and how that life was affected by those raising him. I’ve included more lyrics than is perhaps necessary, but this is truly one un-f**king-believable song:

“New blood joins this earth
And quickly he's subdued
Through constant pained disgrace
The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in
This whipping boy done wrong
Deprived of all his thoughts
The young man struggles on and on he's known
A vow unto his own
That never from this day
His will they'll take away

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never be
Never see
Won't see what might have been

What I've felt
What I've known
Never shined through in what I've shown
Never free
Never me
So I dub thee unforgiven”


lili~2007-02-23 20:25:14
johnz0022007-02-23 20:27:40
【Rockin' Friday】and 【Rockin' Saturday】
TyHongAu2007-02-23 20:31:49
Nice song, Bull.Thanks! Have a good week-end.
葳蕤2007-02-23 20:37:17
:) (图)
lili~2007-02-23 20:41:47
TyHongAu2007-02-23 20:44:16
Super Bee or Fly? Definitely not Bull.
sridhar2007-02-23 20:44:17
小小艾2007-02-23 20:54:36
It really rocks. 听这歌会有冲动想去买啤酒~
绿色和平原子弹2007-02-23 20:55:10
yes, time to kick it up a notch!
圣牛2007-02-23 20:57:05
很高兴lili喜欢,再来听听 Unforgiven II :)))
圣牛2007-02-23 20:57:42
do it!!!
绿色和平原子弹2007-02-23 20:58:18
圣牛2007-02-23 21:01:06
nice wkd,john!
圣牛2007-02-23 21:01:51
like you like it~ nice wkd,ty!
johnz0022007-02-23 21:02:05
Don't, it is Friday. Can you do it on Monday?
圣牛2007-02-23 21:02:58
coooool :))
圣牛2007-02-23 21:04:24
hahaha,thx,sridhar. nice wkd2!
圣牛2007-02-23 21:06:28
买啤酒给俺们喝是么 :)))
圣牛2007-02-23 21:07:39
圣牛2007-02-23 21:08:28
dont think he can wait
小小艾2007-02-23 21:11:34
小小艾2007-02-23 21:12:26
秋凉如我心2007-02-23 21:15:47
cg3332007-02-23 21:18:53
Nice work............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
圣牛2007-02-23 21:28:14
圣牛2007-02-23 21:30:12
圣牛2007-02-23 21:30:45
3stones2007-02-23 21:34:04
James刚柔并济的嗓音,在这首歌里展露无遗~good wkd~
easycy2007-02-23 21:36:46
Ding Dang : ))
圣牛2007-02-23 21:37:32
30是明白人 :))
lili~2007-02-23 21:41:43
EvaLuna2007-02-23 21:52:59
agree the very last sentence~~ great music and lyrics~~牛啊:
圣牛2007-02-23 22:25:33
nice wkd~ : ))
圣牛2007-02-23 22:27:36
nice wkd,eva!
磨坊小札2007-02-23 23:21:40
好像有部电影叫 unforgiven, 和他什么关系?
2007-02-24 00:25:33
Rockin' Friday Evening!!! nice introduction...
lli_go2007-02-24 04:08:52
真不错 :)). 顶. 周末愉快.