绿色和平原子弹2007-03-05 19:16:49

Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay Were laid spread out before me as her body once did. All five horizons revolved around her soul As the earth to the sun Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn Ooh, and all I taught her was everything Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds Of what was everything? Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything... I take a walk outside I'm surrounded by some kids at play I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning How quick the sun can, drop away And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass Of what was everything? All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything... All the love gone bad turned my world to black Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll ever be...yeah... Uh huh...uh huh...ooh... I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star In somebody else's skys, but why Why, why can't it be, why can't it be mine?! _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) 人生中还有什么事比“忘记”更困难。 不幸的是,人类最大的悲哀,就是人们常常会想一些自己不该想起的人和不该想起的事。
johnz0022007-03-05 19:22:51
TyHongAu2007-03-05 19:39:07
Yes sir!但那女的好象想不開.
书童2007-03-05 19:55:42
圣牛2007-03-05 20:02:47
i know you'll be a SUN in somebody else's skys, but...
邻家小丫2007-03-05 21:13:37
3stones2007-03-05 21:14:11
it's sad..
EvaLuna2007-03-05 22:03:34
Pearl Jam is getting quite PEARL here~~nice pic, sad song~~
磨坊小札2007-03-05 22:31:48
绿色和平原子弹2007-03-05 22:36:20
winking2007-03-06 05:52:16
YYKDFAN2007-03-06 10:39:12
永远不要忘记看贴回贴, 谢谢LB指导!!
easycy2007-03-06 16:27:42
nice song : ))
﹌江风﹌2007-03-07 01:58:25
鹤舞2007-03-07 07:29:07
not bad...