万人迷妮2007-04-23 05:26:06

亡命之徒,还不清醒 Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?
筑起城墙,自闭太久 You been out riding fences for so long now
你这家伙,堪称固执 Oh, you’re a hard one
我能理解,你的理由 But I know that you got your reasons
有些事情,让你欣喜 These things that are pleasing you
有时也能,伤害到你 Can hurt you somehow

方块皇后,你不拿走 Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds boy
却有机会,把你击垮 She’ll beat you if she’s able
你在枯等,红心皇后 You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet
在我看来,所有好牌 Now it seems to me, some fine things
都在桌上,已经摊开 Have been laid upon your table
你却妄求,得不到的 But you only want the ones that you can’t get

亡命之徒,不再年轻 Desperado, oh, you ain’t getting no younger
痛苦饥渴,迫你归来 Your pain and your hunger, they re driving you home
自由自由,说说而已 And freedom, oh freedom, well, that s just some people talking
孤独寂寞,是你牢笼 Your prison is walking through this world all alone

冬天降临,双脚冷吗 Don t your feet get cold in the winter time?
天不飘雪,也无阳光 The sky won’t snow and the sun won’t shine
从早到晚,难分昼夜 It’s hard to tell the night time from the day
从头到脚,一无所有 You’re losing all your highs and lows
失落无奈,很可笑吧 Ain’t it funny how the feeling goes away?

亡命之徒,何不清醒 Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?
走出围墙,打开大门 Come down from your fences, open the gate
也许外面,淫雨霏霏 It may be raining
其实彩虹,就在头顶 but there s a rainbow above you
让人爱你,此须及时 You better let somebody love you
否则就要,为时已晚 Before it’s too late