ZT~~2007-04-30 02:41:45

 Two Different Directions

      约翰-丹佛John Denver于1943年生于美国西南部的新墨西哥州罗斯维尔城。那时美国南方的一个终年阳光灿烂的城市。1971年《Take Me Home Country Road》的成功让丹佛成为著名的乡村音乐歌星。1974年,成为美国唱片最畅销的艺人;1976年,开办自己的唱片公司;1997年10月12日,在加利福尼亚海湾因飞机失事不幸身亡,终年53岁。

      John Denver最能让中国人记忆犹新的是1979年中国改革开放的先驱邓小平访美时,在华盛顿肯尼迪文化中心他的表演以及对戴着牛仔帽的邓小平的欢迎。那是一个新历史的开始!美国接受了中国的这个个头矮矮但是精神矍铄的共产党领导人,而中国人则接受了美国人送过来的那顶牛仔帽,邓小平代表中国人自然而潇洒地戴在头上,然后John Denver的那清亮阳光般的歌声也一并来到了中国。

      John Denver的歌大多都跟自然,跟阳光,跟乡村有关,比如《Rocky Mountain High》、《Sunshine On My Shoulders》、《A Wild Heart Looking For Home》、《Trail Of Tears》 《African Sunrise》以及《Thank God I'm a Country Boy》等。他的声音高昂而清澈,干净清晰,给人以阳光般的温暖和快乐。

     John Denver是紧跟着中国改革的春风来到中国的,他也成了中国人最为熟悉的一个乡村歌手。他在美国和世界都受到了极大的尊敬,不仅仅是因为他的音乐贡献。John Denver的性格特点,带有着明显的美国特色,有着浓烈的美国本土味道——乐观、积极、向上、活跃而主动。他几乎就是美国精神中向上一面的代表,像是一个符号,即使是逝世方式都比较美国化。

    John Denver以及他所代表着的乡村音乐已经被符号化,被贴上了自然主义的标签。这种归类不无道理,这种归类也无可厚非。

   但是John Denver以及他的音乐,还有整个乡村音乐country music所代表着的意义,以及人民心中那份美好的心情将永远不会改变。


They say they love each other 
I've no doubt they do
They say they'll always be together 
That may not be true

They come from different places 
Different points of view 
They find themselves in different spaces 
Everything is all brand new

Two different directions 
Too many different ways 
One always on the road somewhere
The other one always stays 
Too often unhappy 
Too often on your own 
When you are moving in different directions 
True love is all alone

Old stories start to surface 
Patterns from long ago
And loving quickly turns to anger 
For reasons they don't even know
The strongest heart can be broken 
With one insensitive word 
The deepest feelings remain unspoken 
No one is seen and nothing heard

Two different directions 
Too many different ways
One always wants to work things out 
The other one wants to play 
Too ready for changes
Too much that just can't wait 
When you are moving in different directions 
True love can turn to hate

If opposites attract each other 
What's the reason for 
One being like an open window 
One just like a closing door

Two different directions 
Too many different ways
One likes to see the morning sunrise 
The other one sleeps in late
Too many tomorrows 
Too many times too late 
When you are moving in different directions 
True love may have to wait 
If you are committed to different directions 
True love will have to wait 


by ZD花酒
johnz0022007-04-30 03:08:09
Sweetlife2007-04-30 06:00:25
Like:county road take me home very much!