一程歌2007-05-02 03:13:04

Love is All (Marc Anthony)

When you hold me like this
so many memories fill my eyes
the first time we kissed
the times we nearly said good-bye
but still here we are
tested and tried and still true
and stronger than we ever knew

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Love is all
the laughter and the tears that fall
the mundane and the magical
love is all
all is love
the careless word, the healing touch
the getting and the giving of
all is love
there's a me you've always known
the me that's a stranger still
the you that feels like home
and the you that never will
but still here we lie
tender and trusting and true
with everything that we've been through

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All the glory
all the pain
all the passion
that turns to ashes
only to rise again

450) this.width=450" loop="1" showstatu*****ar="1" autostart="1" volume="0" enablecontextmenu="1" console="video" />

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lili~2007-05-02 03:17:09
Autumn2007-05-02 03:21:24
板凳!好听,好看,好浪漫!顶一程歌浪漫美贴~ lili好!@@
一程歌2007-05-02 03:27:19
lili~晚上好! 发完贴正准备下呢...
一程歌2007-05-02 03:29:57
秋妹妹好久不见了, 还那么忙吗?
Autumn2007-05-02 03:48:10
书童2007-05-02 03:54:20
一程歌2007-05-02 03:55:28
谢秋儿, 一切还好, 就是最近忙得东边西边乱转...
一程歌2007-05-02 03:57:17
Autumn2007-05-02 04:45:10
嗯,记着别把自己转迷路就好~ 晚安!:)
临风仙子2007-05-02 05:31:31
磨坊小札2007-05-02 05:50:57
问候久违的一...哥,love is all, really? ^_*
一程歌2007-05-02 11:58:42
===============>G蛋暴了, 听不见的试试这个.
一程歌2007-05-02 12:00:11
仙子好久不见了, 问好!
一程歌2007-05-02 12:04:22
SHOULD BE "LOVE IS ..."???, 哈哈~~
远芳阑珊2007-05-02 13:49:33
远芳阑珊2007-05-02 13:51:03
G蛋没有暴, 这个反倒听不见了!
tuixiu2007-05-02 14:28:39
别用 ==> G蛋了 试这个
rayray2007-05-02 16:43:06
nice song!
圣牛2007-05-02 16:55:07
程程好~~its all about love, isnt it? :))
johnz0022007-05-02 16:59:51
一程歌2007-05-02 17:55:15
问候久违了的阑, rayray, tuixiu, NN, AND 20!!!
一程歌2007-05-02 17:55:56
箫笛2007-05-02 19:08:40
Stiella2007-05-03 02:22:56
一程歌2007-05-03 03:01:33
箫兄, Stiella好! ========>>>>>>>>>请进这个跟贴听
箫笛2007-05-03 08:02:57
秋凉如我心2007-05-03 10:46:14