林贝卡2007-05-10 16:56:19


带走一盏渔火 让他温暖我的双眼
留下一段真情 让它停泊在枫桥边
无助的我 已经疏远那份情感
许多年以后才发觉 又回到你面前

留连的钟声 还在敲打我的无眠
尘封的日子 始终不会是一片云烟
久违的你 一定保存着那张笑脸
许多年以后 能不能接受彼此的改变

今天的你我 怎样重复昨天的故事
这一张旧船票 能否登上你的客船

•  母爱无价
•  Mother
•  Friends
•  7th Heaven
•  You Took My Heart Away
林贝卡2007-05-10 16:57:38
【涛声依旧 】:
*小雪*2007-05-10 17:06:09
nice pic & sweet song~
望月明2007-05-10 17:06:54
林贝卡2007-05-10 17:07:05
-*小雪*-, thank you. How are you doing?
林贝卡2007-05-10 17:08:32
Thank you, how are you doing?
望月明2007-05-10 17:09:41
林贝卡2007-05-10 17:10:41
Have a nice evening.
Sridhar2007-05-10 17:12:03
这一张旧船票 可以登上我的客船!哈哈,林贝帅呆了耶!中午好!
林贝卡2007-05-10 17:14:16
Sridhar,where is your 客船?
TyHongAu2007-05-10 17:22:25
謝Rebecca,good song and pictures.Have a nice day!
林贝卡2007-05-10 17:25:26
TyHongAu, my pleasure. Have a nice day.
johnz0022007-05-10 17:31:18
涛声依旧,看图听歌。Have a nice day, Rebecca!
绿色和平原子弹2007-05-10 17:31:44
love the splash, nice day nnsis^^
林韵2007-05-10 17:33:25
sridhar2007-05-10 17:35:06
圣牛2007-05-10 18:08:45
thx,artist,u have a nice day ahead.
xix2007-05-10 18:38:15
歌美图美,非常享受ING --ZT
梦一生2007-05-10 18:50:21
EvaLuna2007-05-10 19:17:05
nice pics~~ a good day~~
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2007-05-10 19:28:51
第一次听, 真不错!
一程歌2007-05-10 21:21:54
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:13:10
梦一生好, 也好久不见你了,一切可好?
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:13:59
John, have a nice evening.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:14:58
Artisit, splash is really cool. I like it ,too. Have a nice even
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:15:24
Have a nice evening.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:17:13
回复:thx,artist,u have a nice day ahead.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:18:09
林韵, thank you for your compliments. Have a nice evening.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:18:43
xix, thank you very much. Have a nice evening.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:19:15
Eva, thanks, have a nice evening
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:19:58
Little sis 艾丽, how have you been? Have a nice evening.
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:20:39
一程歌, yeah: 歌声依旧...
林贝卡2007-05-10 23:25:00
sridhar ,将来呢?
2007-05-11 04:25:33
歌美图美, I like all the pictures here, good night...
林贝卡2007-05-11 10:24:17
蕊, have a nice day.