林贝卡2007-05-13 17:38:09

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Mothers Are The Sweetest
Author: Nick Gordon

Our mother is the sweetest and
Most delicate of all.
She knows more of paradise
Than angels can recall.

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She's not only beautiful
But passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wise
As one who has lived long.

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Her love is like the rush of life,
A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid light
And makes the mountains sing.

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And makes the meadows turn to flower
And trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bower
In which our hearts take root.

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She is at once the sea and shore,
Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring ships
Yet keep the things that last.

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•  Spring
•  中外电影明星
•  Mothers Are The Sweetest
•  叶子
•  珍贵的纪念邮票
林贝卡2007-05-13 17:41:24
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and would-be moms.
林贝卡2007-05-13 17:43:58
【小提琴: 爱之梦 】下载:
远芳阑珊2007-05-13 18:37:04
frog-2007-05-13 18:42:55
谢谢你!2007-05-13 19:10:57
真美! 谢谢楼主分享.
YYKDFAN2007-05-13 20:09:11
最亲爱的贝卡和蕊: 母亲节快乐!!!!!拥抱你们:))))
绿色和平原子弹2007-05-13 20:11:06
say hi to all our moms~
Autumn2007-05-13 21:04:33
发个响2007-05-13 21:21:52
祝林妈妈节日愉快, 永远美丽!
一程歌2007-05-13 21:42:15
临风仙子2007-05-13 23:13:54
秋凉如我心2007-05-13 23:27:08
johnz0022007-05-14 02:04:25
Rebecca, like your post, always.
林贝卡2007-05-14 14:26:59
回复:Rebecca, like your post, always.
林贝卡2007-05-14 14:28:53
【感谢大家的留言。 Have a nice week.】