TyHongAu2007-05-22 16:11:12
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johnz0022007-05-22 16:18:25
Good morning。生猛河鲜,看了口水往肚子里咽。
EvaLuna2007-05-22 16:34:17
老兄~~go for early lunch ba~~~that will help~~:)))
johnz0022007-05-22 16:44:01
You mean hamburgs, hotdogs, french fries..., I skip.
EvaLuna2007-05-22 17:13:31
TyHongAu2007-05-22 17:24:16
Friend of obesity!
EvaLuna2007-05-22 18:30:04
:P~~~ to prove it, here is my pic (图)
tyhongau2007-05-22 18:38:07
You have a special gene, gorgeous!Mine is 80Kg/1m4-:)))
梦一生2007-05-23 04:37:30