Forevermore2007-05-22 22:25:41

B.J. Thomas - As Long As We Got Each Other

情景喜剧《成长的烦恼(Growing Pains)》最初是于1985年9月到1992年4月在ABC公司上映,共七季166集,是美国1985年至1992年间收视率最高的情景喜剧(sitcom)。希弗一家人乐天豁达的性格给观众留下难忘的印象。该剧的演员阵容曾被制作人迈克尔•沙利文誉为“A级阵容”。 1985年9月24日,《成长的烦恼》在美国ABC电视台首播,大受欢迎,此后到1992年一口气播出了七季,成为家庭情景喜剧的标志性作品。但可能谁也没有想到,这部电视剧会在几年之后,风靡了远在世界的另一头的中国,并成为一代人不可磨灭的记忆。 1992年上海电视台译制的《成长的烦恼》正式播出,并非是最黄金的时段,但仍然渐渐吸引了越来越多的人特别是年青人的注意,每天守在电视机前追看一集《成长的烦恼》成为那时最大的乐事,西维尔一家人带给人们无尽的欢乐与感动:调皮又爱耍小聪明的迈克、可爱又带点书呆子气的卡罗尔,古灵精怪的本,个个性格鲜明,虽然国藉人种不同,仍然像极我们身边的人,像极我们自己。父亲杰森和母亲玛姬开明的朋友式的教育方式,让我们羡慕不已。让我们在大笑之中体会到家庭的温情,体会到成长的快乐。 自从国内有了上海电视台译制版本以后,成长的烦恼就不断的在全国各地的电视台里播放,就是它让我们第一次见识了“肥皂剧”的魅力,也让千万东方观众陶醉在这个西方家庭的“成长的烦恼”之中。应该说,成长的烦恼伴随了一代人的成长。 另外,当今大腕布拉德•皮特(Brad Pitt),还有因巨片《泰坦尼克号(Titanic)》而大红大紫的鲁克. 布劳尔(Luke Brower),都曾经在《成长的烦恼》中出场。

B.J. Thomas - As Long As We Got Each Other Show me that smile again Oh, show me that smile Don't waste another minute on your cryin' We're nowhere near the end We're nowhere near The best is ready to begin All in a cloudy daze I look into your eyes and see them shining out Holding you close this way Holding you this way Is like having summer everyday Ooh, ooh As long as we got each other We got the world spinnin' right in our hands Baby, you and me We gotta be The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin' As long as we keep on givin' We can take anything that comes our way Baby, rain or shine All the time We got each other Sharin' the laughter and love Promise me here and now Nothing but jokes Will never come between us You can depend on me 'Cause I need you like the air I breathe Oh, oh As long as we got each other We got the world spinnin' right in our hands Baby, you and me We gotta be The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin' As long as we keep on givin' We can take anything that comes our way Baby, rain or shine All the time We got each other Sharin' the laughter and love As long as we got each other We got the world spinnin' right in our hands Baby, you and me We gotta be The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreamin' As long as we keep on givin' We can take anything that comes our way Oh, baby, rain or shine All the time We got each other Sharin' the laughter and love

圣牛2007-05-22 23:47:02
remember this one^^
林贝卡2007-05-23 13:31:12
Yeah: 《Growing Pains》