辛伯达的航船2007-05-30 05:03:18
贯穿美国娱乐史将近一世纪传奇:才华洋溢,集结歌手、创作者,以及名演员于一身的Peggy Lee(佩姬李),于美国时间2002年1月21日辞世,Peggy Lee的歌声将留给乐迷永远美丽的回忆。

  神秘的、磁性的、深邃的、俏皮的....,Peggy Lee的歌声就是充满了这么多样的百变风情,她的歌声俨然已成为美国爵士及流行乐坛最具代表性的女声之一。

  Peggy Lee从十几岁起就开始争取在不同的爵士乐团里演唱的机会,即使没有受过正统的声乐训练,Peggy Lee天生的好歌喉仍为她攫获了Benny Goodman、Duke Ellington、Count Basie等爵士乐坛超级大师的赏识。之后Peggy Lee的歌声又继续在流行乐坛大放光芒,从四0年代一路到八0年代,畅销单曲的纪录对她而言如探囊取物般地轻松。

  除了在歌唱方面的卓越表现,Peggy Lee的演技也曾为她赢得过奥斯卡奖的提名,而她也曾为多部电影编写过配乐,并且创作许多脍炙人口的歌曲。如此洋溢的才华难怪让Peggy Lee这个名字成为贯穿美国娱乐史将近一世纪的传奇

Peggy Lee

Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me, I get a fever that's so hard to bear
You give me fever - when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight
Fever - in the the morning, fever all through the night.

Sun lights up the daytime, moon lights up the night
I light up when you call my name, and you know I'm gonna treat you right
You give me fever - when you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight
Fever - in the the morning, fever all through the night.
Everybody's got the fever, that is something you all know
Fever isn't such a new thing, fever started long ago.

Romeo loved Juliet, Juliet she felt the same
When he put his arms around her, he said "Julie baby you're my flame"
Thou givest fever, when we kisseth, fever with thy flaming youth
Fever - I'm afire, fever yea I burn forsooth.

Captain Smith and Pocahontas had a very mad affair
When her Daddy tried to kill him, she said "Daddy-O don't you dare"
Give me fever - with his kisses, fever when he holds me tight
Fever - I'm his Missus, Oh daddy won't you treat him right.

Now you've listened to my story, here's the point I have made:
Chicks were born to give you fever, be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade
They give you fever - when you kiss them, fever if you live and learn
Fever - till you sizzle, what a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.
What a lovely way to burn.