林贝卡2007-06-21 01:42:08

Song: When A Child Is Born
Artist: The St Philip Boy's Choir

A ray of hope flickers in the sky
A tiny star lights up way up high
All across the land dawns a brand new morn´,
This comes to pass when a child is born.

A silent wish sails the seven seas
The winds of change whisper in the trees
And the walls of doubt crumble tossed and torn,
This comes to pass when a child is born.

A rosy dawn settles all around
You got to feel you´re on solid ground
For a spell or two no one seems forlorn
This come to pass when a child is born.

It´s all a dream, an illusion now.
It must come true some time soon somehow
All across the land dawns a brand new morn
This comes to pass when a child is born

•  旧中国时的女运动员老照片
•  Are You Lonesome Tonight
•  Sommeil Des Vrilles
•  Are You The One
•  再忆粽香飘
林贝卡2007-06-21 01:44:58
【When A Child Is Born】下载:
片片红叶2007-06-21 02:10:02
林贝卡2007-06-21 02:14:58
片片红叶, my pleasure. 同祝贺fairy。
青梅2007-06-21 02:23:27
红叶,really very nice of you. :) 同祝贺fairy!
林贝卡2007-06-21 02:24:37
青梅小妹,have a nice evening.
青梅2007-06-21 02:30:19
becca jie, thank u for the post. u r the best!! good evening!
林贝卡2007-06-21 02:39:38
I am flattered. Thank you, little sis.
YuGong2007-06-21 02:53:04
so soothing...不生baby的也可以听吗?:))
LiYouCai2007-06-21 03:18:31
林贝卡2007-06-21 03:21:31
lol.. YuGong, welcome to join in the party.
林贝卡2007-06-21 03:22:25
LiYouCai, when will you be happy?
LiYouCai2007-06-21 03:27:59
等林妹妹再生娃娃时 (看你能否卖俺一个) (图)
YuGong2007-06-21 03:34:40
thanks becca. congradulation to fairy!
林贝卡2007-06-21 03:35:22
林贝卡2007-06-21 03:42:32
My pleasure. Good night.
YuGong2007-06-21 04:09:20
Good night.
BBsBB2007-06-21 04:46:03
水云间~2007-06-21 05:54:59
翠花姐2007-06-21 08:58:15
林贝卡2007-06-21 11:54:31
林贝卡2007-06-21 11:56:59
谢谢水云间~,have a nice day.
林贝卡2007-06-21 11:57:57
Good morning to 翠花姐. Enjoy your day.
秋凉如我心2007-06-21 12:16:02
林贝卡2007-06-21 12:19:41
秋凉如我心, thank you.
johnz0022007-06-21 16:18:03
凝胭2007-06-21 16:50:26
TyHongAu2007-06-21 17:22:00
Welcome to this wonderful world,beloved baby!Thk.Rebeeca.
林贝卡2007-06-21 17:25:00
凝胭, thank you.
林贝卡2007-06-21 17:25:44
TyHongAu, my pleasure. Have a nice day.
fairy2007-06-21 17:26:44
林贝卡2007-06-21 17:27:24
John, how is your day so far?
林贝卡2007-06-21 19:01:49
箫笛2007-06-21 19:36:27
林贝卡2007-06-21 20:49:37
箫笛, thank you. Have a nice afternoon.
BlackOrchid2007-06-22 05:53:32
圖片美歌聲更美,沉迷~~~~ 謝謝林貝卡.
林贝卡2007-06-22 12:18:21
BlackOrchid, my pleasure. Have a nice weekend.