fairy2007-06-29 22:26:44

Portishead - Its A Fire Lyrics Its a fire These dreams they pass me by This salvation I desire Keeps getting me down Cos we need to Recognise mistakes For time and again So let it be known for what we believe in I can see no reason for it to fail.... ... Cos this life is a farce I can't breathe through this mask Like a fool So breathe on, sister breathe on [INSTRUMENTAL] From this oneself Testify or tell Its fooling us now So let it be known for what we believe in I can see no reason for it to fail... Cos this life is a farce I can't breathe through this mask Like a fool So breathe on, little sister, breathe on Ohh so breathe on, little sister, 刚来,发现好像酷酷要走,匆匆放一首歌。歌比较深,酷妹妹现在不懂,长大就会懂了,呵呵,其实我也不太懂,^^ 祝酷酷永远纯---真-----,stay cooool!
青梅2007-06-29 22:31:50
圣牛2007-06-29 22:32:28
fairy2007-06-29 22:35:28
for 酷酷
johnz0022007-06-29 22:54:03
秋凉如我心2007-06-29 23:37:06
YuGong2007-06-30 03:58:50
Cool. 顶一个!
summerbreeze2007-06-30 04:05:41
Autumn2007-06-30 04:18:40
Sweetlife2007-06-30 04:22:45
8 错!!
水影子2007-06-30 04:37:55
YuGong2007-06-30 04:42:37
非常酷. zt 周末快乐!