weston2007-07-03 04:52:27


由Jose Carreras演唱。英文歌词:
 Lovely moon, you who shed silver light
 On these shores and on these flowers
 And breathe the language
 Of love to the elements,
 You are now the sole witness
 Of my ardent longing,
 And can recount my throbs and sighs
 To her who fills me with love.
 Tell her too that distance
 Cannot assuage my grief,
 That if I cherish a hope,
 It is only for the future.
 Tell her that, day and night,
 I count the hours of sorrow,
 That a flattering hope
 Comforts me in my love


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water62007-07-03 06:50:30
weston 好. 谢谢介绍分享.
lili~2007-07-03 14:45:56
高雅音乐欣赏~~!谢谢介绍分享(zt). weston,水早上好~~!
艾丽姨姥姥的毒蝇纸2007-07-03 22:25:17
非常非常好听, 谢谢好介绍。
weston2007-07-03 22:38:37
秋凉~2008-03-08 04:35:17
[君心我心] 强子个人音乐专辑选听
秋凉如我心2008-03-08 04:39:01
[君心我心] 强子个人音乐专辑选听
秋凉如我心2008-03-08 04:42:37
[君心我心] 强子个人音乐专辑选听