wow, that is beautifully done. thanks. Thanks,fang-fang. Seems we like the same kind of music~~~ 谢谢wind-flower的回帖.我也很喜欢和你ID通明的那首歌~~~ you bet. I am searching more music by Ron Kerb ~~~Sure sure -- hug hug!:))) Night... 沏一壶茉莉香片, 尖着嘴慢慢吹, 看心儿随落叶飘荡~~ 静静的夜沏上杯清茶,听着这么优美的音乐,幸福包围的感觉。谢谢!!! Really nice. Thank you for sharing it. 谢谢YouCai喜欢。Have a good Sunday 嗯。。。仿佛已经闻到茉莉香片的茶香~~~磨磨周日愉快。 谢谢贝卡!我刚到你的博克去看了--很喜欢你恬淡隽永的文风 summerbreeze, thank you. Good night to you. Thanks Rebecca! Good night to you too.