青梅2007-08-19 04:58:31
Chloe Agnew - Panis Angelicus

Chloë Agnew (born June 9, 1989 in Dublin, Ireland) is an Irish singer who has gained fame for her part in the Celtic music group Celtic Woman.

Luciano Pavarotti and Sting - Panis Angelicus
青梅2007-08-19 05:00:46
The post was made for Shutong, n for whoever like the music!
johnz0022007-08-19 05:47:28
Therefore the post is made for me. Thanks.
mofang2007-08-19 05:52:30
Thanks for rescuing TT from the ocean of dreams^_^ nite 20!
mofang2007-08-19 05:54:25
who is whoever? enjoyed both, nite, plum!
书童2007-08-19 07:25:40
秋凉如我心2007-08-19 11:50:47
青梅2007-08-19 16:22:41
书童你好! 也是一首"洗脑"的音乐把:))
青梅2007-08-19 16:23:20
hi momo, john, qiuliang. ~~
紫霞仙子~~2007-08-19 17:14:16
Morning Qingmei!~ let tongtong "洗脑"~~
LiYouCai2007-08-19 23:23:26
梦一生2007-08-20 03:30:22
青梅好!Agnew 是位天才歌星。今年才17岁。这里有介绍。
(弹弹)2007-08-20 04:34:02
青梅好!Agnew 是位天才歌星。今年才17岁。楼上有介绍。 bfz
lili~2007-08-20 04:38:11
• 青梅好!Agnew 是位天才歌星。今年才17岁。楼上有介绍。 bfz
lili~2007-08-20 04:44:02
去掉前面的'•'...青梅MM,good night~~!
梦一生2007-08-20 05:12:30
water62007-08-20 05:46:33
好听好看. 谢谢啦~~~~~~
箫笛2007-08-20 06:23:30
文摘2007-08-20 07:10:40
圣牛2007-08-20 11:58:13
天刚蒙蒙亮就来顶青梅,够意思吧~~ 喜欢2ND...
青梅2007-08-20 17:32:03
谢谢楼上的朋友^^ 问好各位!