青梅2007-08-26 21:55:00
Smooth waltz - Dancers: Lacey & Pasha - Music: A Daisy in December by Mick McAuley

Viennese Waltz - Dancers: Anya & Danny - Music: You and Me by Lifehouse

Samba - Dancers: Lacey & Danny - Music: hip hip chin chin by club des belugas

Jazz - Daners: Sabra & Neil - Music: sweet dreams by eurythmics

Paso Doble - Sabra & Neil - Espana Cani by juan & gennaro

Disco - Dancers: Lauren & Danny - Music: don't leave me this way by the communards

青梅2007-08-26 21:55:23
[Contemporary Dances] from SYTYCD
青梅2007-08-26 21:56:46
[Hip Hops] from SYTYCD
青梅2007-08-26 21:59:37
青梅2007-08-26 22:14:58
it's slow, but worth waiting~~~~~~~~ i'm glad to get
圣牛2007-08-27 01:06:39
okay, now i can see why people call dance an art^^
圣牛2007-08-27 01:08:22
thx4sharing,qm. gotta go practice my dancing moves.~~
临风仙子2007-08-27 02:21:36
Thx Qingmei.That's all so beautiful. wo xihuan.
梦一生2007-08-27 04:55:47
mofang2007-08-27 05:18:42
最爱1&2, 视觉听觉双重享受. great job, qm, hug^^
johnz0022007-08-27 16:17:35
Nice move,养眼。
青梅2007-08-27 18:19:19
thx john, momo, menglao, xianzi & nn. have a good day! ^_^
(弹弹)2007-08-27 18:21:33
man, i can never dance like that...
青梅2007-08-27 18:37:31
menglao, na ji ge hip hop ye heng hao kan.
johnz0022007-08-27 19:58:40
We all know this long time ago.
圣牛2007-08-27 20:37:51
all it takes is some passion and a hot coach..