绿色和平原子弹2007-10-16 05:08:18

Leaving with twilight though I was chosen To wander the way in the darkest of nights Oh in the summer sun how soon i came to stray A true damnation when I turned away So fell autumn rain washed away ali my pain I feel brighter somehow lighter somehow to breath once again So fell autumn rain washed my sorrows away With the sunset behind somehow I find the dreams are to stay So fell autumn rain Blinded by dawning so you would take me Futher away away from the fall Oh you told me I must never dream again A true damnation you left me the pain So fell autumn rain but all things must pass So fell autumn rain washed away all my pain I feel bnghter somehow lighter somehow to breath once again So tell autumn rain washed my sorrows away With the sunset behind somehow I f nd the dreams are to stay So fell winter_(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6)
LiYouCai2007-10-16 08:26:13
回头也搬床到湖边睡 So fell autumn rain but all things must pass
圣牛2007-10-16 14:23:20
回复:[lake of tears]So Fell Autumn Rain (图)
皆因有缘2007-10-16 16:05:47
孤单小企鹅2007-10-16 16:29:30
回复:[lake of tears]So Fell Autumn Rain (图)
johnz0022007-10-16 16:46:42
老板在野外camping? Nice place and music.
Sridhar2007-10-16 23:04:50
秋凉如我心2007-10-16 23:37:56
圣牛2007-10-17 01:00:44
prefer sleepingbag~~