[Wake up!!]Chop Suey----S.O.A.D (图)
2007-11-14 15:42:10
2007-11-14 15:42:10
Wake up (wake up) Grab a brush and put on a little make up Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup (hide the scars to fade away the shakeup) Whyd you leave the keys up on the table There you go create another fable You wanted to Grab a brush and put on a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Whyd you leave the keys up on the table I dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die (die) Wake up (wake up) Grab a brush and put on a little make up Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup (hide the scars to fade away the shakeup) Whyd you leave the keys up on the table There you go create another fable You wanted to Grab a brush and put on a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Whyd you leave the keys up on the table I dont think you trust in my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die Father father father father Father into your hand I comend my spirit Father into your hand why have you forsaken me in your eyes Forsaken me in your thoughts Forsaken me in your heart Forsaken me ohh Trust in my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die In my self righteous suicide I cry when angels deserve to die _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(6) _(y)
2007-11-14 17:52:39
2007-11-14 21:16:09
Great song! Like it!
2007-11-14 21:18:16
Wake up~! DD:))
2007-11-14 21:59:08
wake up~! zt
2007-11-14 22:11:05
wake up~! zt2
2007-11-14 22:55:54
[视频]上海台新闻娱乐频道:新娱乐大都会(11/01/ 07)
cb808 2007-11-14 15:03:24
Harley-Davidson 2007-11-14 13:14:22
push the button
sridhar 2007-11-14 12:47:44
爱情的正态分布, 想要也许要靠抢;黑鸭子 "一剪梅" (图)
思想者无畏 2007-11-14 10:48:52
[悠闲小憩] 交响音乐“牵 引”
秋凉如我心 2007-11-14 08:31:35
[悠闲小憩] 交响音乐“无尽的真爱”
秋凉如我心 2007-11-14 08:02:17
光良最新专辑之“烟 火”
秋凉如我心 2007-11-14 07:31:34
古筝: 渔舟唱晚
CDU 2007-11-14 07:23:06
Smile - Chaplin by Nat King Cole
claudia7 2007-11-14 04:16:49
Zigeunerweisen by Xenia - 流浪者之歌
claudia7 2007-11-14 04:10:25
[好听de歌]盯住不放!!(cant take my eyes off of you--MUSE version) (图)
绿色和平原子弹 2008-04-02 19:30:45
[好听de歌]Fluorescent Adolescent----Arctic Monkeys (图)
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-13 19:40:52
[节日献礼]Promise Her The Moon---Mr.Big6首
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-07 20:51:58
Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes---Lighthouse Edison ^^
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-07 05:51:14
Last post on YYKD!!!
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-05 19:23:28
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-04 17:20:58
[I'm going to Wichita]7 Nation Army----The White Stripes (图)
绿色和平原子弹 2008-03-03 21:15:43
绿色和平原子弹 2008-02-29 21:50:11
[好歌分享,NN请听]Me & My Melody----ARID
绿色和平原子弹 2008-02-28 16:33:42
[Fair Ain't What u Need]Stop and Stare----OneRepublic
绿色和平原子弹 2008-02-27 14:34:34