J_man2007-11-25 04:29:09

KT TUNSTALL LYRICS "Suddenly I See" Her face is a map of the world Is a map of the world You can see she's a beautiful girl She's a beautiful girl And everything around her is a silver pool of light The people who surround her feel the benefit of it It makes you calm She holds you captivated in her palm Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me I feel like walking the world Like walking the world You can hear she's a beautiful girl She's a beautiful girl She fills up every corner like she's born in black and white Makes you feel warmer when you're trying to remember What you heard She likes to leave you hanging on her word Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me And she's taller than most And she's looking at me I can see her eyes looking from a page in a magazine Oh she makes me feel like I could be a tower A big strong tower She got the power to be The power to give The power to see Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me 电影穿PRADA的恶魔The Devil Wears Prada (2006)的片首曲。 KT Tunstall,去年Mercury Prize的黑马,一个继Norah Jones、Dido后,让英国各大传媒杂志给予四颗星盛赞的好声音。 祖母是中国人、身上流有东方血液的KT Tunstall,出生于苏格兰古镇圣安德鲁St.Andrew。对于自己被领养的出身背景,KT Tunstall却以积极的人生态度来面对:“我很小的时候就常想像自己若被不同的人领养,便会有百万种不同生活方式的可能性,这样的出身背景凭添了我无穷的想像力,也更增添我生活的神秘色彩。”因为养父母时常离家,KT Tunstall的童年就在上山下海的奔波日子里度过,而她与音乐的第一次接触,却是来自哥哥房间常常播放的金属摇滚乐。 对于自己首张专辑的录制,KT Tunstall选在威尔特郡森林里的小型录音间,KT Tunstall说:“能尽情畅快地从山坡上唱到山坡下,在这么自然的环境下录音是再好也不过了,这真是个可以令人解放的世外桃源。”而谈到整张专辑的创作,KT Tunstall则做了很妙的比喻:“歌里面描述的多半是日常生活的琐事、就好比我平日与人对话一般的平实,若夸张一点的说,就彷佛是外星人远到地球采取人类的情感样本,并将之串连予以整理纪录一般。” KT的音乐深受经典创作歌手如瑞奇里琼斯、卡洛金、佛利伍麦克合唱团的影响,集以上众歌手的特质于一身而发展成发音清晰、接近人心、令人流连忘返、适合派对过后听的浓厚自我风格。英国权威Q杂志和众多媒体皆将KT视为2005年乐坛最值得注意的女性唱作人、The Observer形容她「仿若Joni Mitchell和Bjork综合体,踩着轻妙的步伐游走在Grunge和流行曲调之间」,其它评论人对KT新专辑中清新摇滚曲风却散发爵士独有的摇摆与随兴也纷纷背书推荐。 相关网站:http://www.kttunstall.com/