飘侠2008-03-16 05:27:32

“Lighthouse Family 《灯塔家族》诞生于英国伦敦的乐手兼词曲创作人Paul Tucker与歌手Tunde Baiyewu,自93年起便开始搭档合作。91年,Lighthouse Family还只是Paul的个人音乐理念,英国剑桥长大的他在大学一边修德文与法文,一边进行创作,而在奈及利亚长大的Tunde也积极寻找抒发歌声灵魂的出口,Tunde远赴Newcastle大学就读时,在俱乐部驻唱场合听过Paul的首支创作曲《Ocean Drive》后,两人几乎是一拍即合。93年Lighthouse Family成军,95年两人以Lighthouse Family的名称录制发行了首支单曲《Lifted》,获得了乐迷的广泛共鸣,不仅攻上英国金榜No.4,也风靡欧洲许多国家。97年岁末的亚军曲子《Postcards From Heaven》为叨扰的灵魂提供再出发的泉源。


《Postcard From Heaven》 lyrics

If you never say goodbye to the best things in your life
There are things you don't appreciate at all
So it's best that you don't try
Holding back the tide
Are you ever gonna be quite satisfied
Postcard from heaven
Go to where you belong
You'll never find the perfect situation
Until you know where you're from
If you ever say goodbye
No regrets I won't ask why

And I'll wish you all the best luck in the world
Should you ever change your mind
Oh bring back the sunshine
Are you ever gonna be quite satisfied
Postcard from heaven
Go to where you belong
You'll never find the perfect situation
Until you know where you're from
枫叶如丹2008-03-16 16:40:55