British singer Dusty Springfield singing "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me".
It is an English version of an Italian song called "Io che non vivo (senza te)" written by Pino Donaggio and Vito Pallavicini. Springfield heard it at the Sanremo Festival in 1965 where it was performed by Donaggio himself and his team partner Jody Miller, and she presented it to Vicki Wickham and Simon Napier-Bell, who wrote the English lyrics for the song. Released in early 1966, the single release of Springfield's recording became a huge hit and remains one of the songs most identified with her. The song hit #1 in Britain, the only #1 of Springfield's career there, and #4 in the USA. The song proved so popular in the USA that Springfield's 1965 album Ev'rything's Coming Up Dusty was released there with a slightly different track listing, and titled after the hit single.