BBsBB2008-04-06 17:55:30

An extraordinary music talent.
Newell Oler had an extraordinary amount of musicianship that takes years of recording and listening back to oneself to achieve this sound. Every pianist dreams about having it but few have the ability to analyze what is happening and home in on it. As a lover of piano music, you will find pleasure from hearing his rippling, romantic piano style within only a few minutes of listening. You will find feelings of inner peace.

Newell's magic touch has the capacity to suddenly light up long forgotten memories and allow you to reflect fondly back. A definite eerie quality reaches out and touches you in all Mr. Oler's albums. This music, if you allow it, will become a musical "fix". It will pull you in and will become your favorite source of mental equilibrium and enjoyment.

Many music styles to choose from.
Whether your music preference style is popular, classical, country, spiritual, or "oldies," you will find most of all your favorites here. Newell Oler's solo piano arrangements have the kind of attraction that make listeners want to buy everything he has recorded, right then and there. It's a kind of magic that makes Newell's musical talent at the forefront of the other pianists. Newell Oler is without question the Pianist Extraordinaire.

13. Phantasmic Broadway

14. Pianistic Indiscretions

15. Piano Demitasse

16. Reflections

17. Reminisce nces

18. Santa By Starlight

19. Classical Mystique

20. Wandering And Remembering

21. Warm Moonlight Piano

22. Wish You Were Here

23. A Caroling We Go

法国薰衣草2008-04-06 18:48:02
Warm, romantic and beautiful..., 谢谢 BBsBB 美贴!
燕子飞来2008-04-06 19:12:16
闲云孤鹤2008-04-06 20:40:35
>20CD, 二百多首曲子,慢慢听. 燕子从哪飞来的?
johnz0022008-04-06 22:10:08
beautiful piano music, wonderful collections.
清灵婉儿2008-04-06 22:22:34
听着这醉人的琴声,似乎看到了Mr. Piano那修长的手指在黑白键上优雅自如的舞蹈着......
chenxi...2008-04-07 00:06:45
真是很富有的一张帖~. 熟悉的旋律清晰的琴音让人放松陶醉. 谢分享.
秋秋~2008-04-07 00:50:51
lili~2008-04-07 01:54:48