weston2008-05-09 19:23:48
He is now a well known comedian and singer in the south. Soooo funny:
葳蕤2008-05-09 19:35:00
Aaron Wilburn. He's funny. :)
weston2008-05-09 19:46:15
still don't know how to say your ID. you're the 1st chinese
葳蕤2008-05-09 20:36:28
look at my profile. :)
法国薰衣草2008-05-09 21:15:22
weston2008-05-09 21:35:05
kingfung2008-05-10 03:22:30
In us deep South, a pie is a "paah", :-)
weston2008-05-10 04:28:23
haha, i miss southen accent
kingfung2008-05-10 06:03:01
Same here. Those adopted Yankees won't get it. ;-P
磨坊小札2008-05-10 20:40:16
听着听着忽然想起那首green green grass of home