bambooseven2008-06-24 07:09:01

The movie cannot compare to the novel ( By Milan Kundera ), there are many parts in the novel that cannot be visualized.
But compare to aother stupid movie this director had made, this one is not too bad. Juliette Binoche was good and Daniel Day Lewis was good.
Some say this novel is a "bible of love", i agree.
It was about love, jealousy, sex, politics, history...i consider this novel one of the most memorable literature i had read.

•  6/22, Summer solstice, montage of memory
•  Moon river--from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' ( Audey Hepburn) (图
•  鄉愁四韻-- 羅大佑 (图)
•  愛的代價--李宗盛 (图)
•  Ryuichi Sakamoto--Rain (图)
johnz0022008-06-24 18:33:31
like this one.
法国薰衣草2008-06-25 03:16:51
Bamboo, I like this film
清灵婉儿2008-06-25 03:30:13
bambooseven2008-06-25 03:56:05
thanks everybody.i loved the novel,although i forgot the
bambooseven2008-06-25 03:59:26
wan er you are welcome ^_^
过儿2008-06-25 05:04:15
bambooseven2008-06-25 06:12:29
novel first, movie second please. novel is excellent.