--i kept my promise to somebody and posted this.
this might be the only Truffaut work i had watched, i liked it. i absolutely adore Jeanne Moreau. why french women are so attractive??
i believe this was one of the earlier pieces from the "new wave" of french movies in the 1960's.
love how french movies are always trying to show the true beauty of life, not like the "decorated" ones from Hollywood.
and, you know what, i have no idea what they are talking and singing about.
Basicly, the girl was in love with the guy playing guitar. but she was living with another guy. at the end she drove a jeep with the guy she loved and went straight into the river!! crazy woman( when women are in love they could be crazy)!!
• | the unbearble lightness of being--the movie (图) |
• | 6/22, Summer solstice, montage of memory |
• | Moon river--from 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' ( Audey Hepburn) (图 |
• | 鄉愁四韻-- 羅大佑 (图) |
• | 愛的代價--李宗盛 (图) |