葳蕤2008-07-19 04:13:02
While the lips are still red

葳蕤 7/18/08

johnz0022008-07-19 16:55:22
as red as red roses, cool post!
小钉2008-07-19 17:20:05
pretty nice!
Forever_Young/2008-07-19 19:52:38
totally in love with the melody! Thanks for sharing!
葳蕤2008-07-19 20:50:38
葳蕤2008-07-19 20:51:21
the best part is it is rock melody.:)
葳蕤2008-07-19 20:51:51
we need coolness in this time of year. :)
夏日最后的玫瑰2008-07-19 21:30:12
Fragnant and beautiful... Very nice post, Thank you.
光阴的灰2008-07-20 02:43:45
青梅2008-07-20 04:39:29
nice~ weirui hao! ^^