bambooseven2008-08-03 03:17:37


--I loved this song so much at that time, i held a recorder in front of the TV to try to keep it on a tape.
it was such a good movie.

•  自私--辛晓琪
•  ZT--巨蟹座的完美分析-- so true!!!
•  Love is blue.
•  悲怆--贝多芬 (图)
•  a Magical room-Animation with Eric Satie's Gymnopedie No 1 (图)
bambooseven2008-08-03 03:23:19
music is not perfect, but it's the best version i can find.
南极人2008-08-03 03:31:45
is the little gir in Yasei no shômei
bambooseven2008-08-03 03:37:56
1978.02.08 电影『野性の证明』徵选长井赖小孩
南极人2008-08-03 04:37:22
bambooseven2008-08-03 04:45:53
i read that novel long time ago but did not know the movie.