weston2008-12-07 17:04:39
Written two months before his death.
The first part is achingly beautiful. It takes a sudden  turn when the new theme enters menacingly, almost violently. The new theme invokes the image of a black swan. The conflict undergoes a series of development but gradually recedes into exhaustion. And just then, out of the near hopelessness the first theme emerges, more delicate than ever before. Initially tentative, but grows into the full extent, with an  ethereal beauty. However, the 2nd theme's first few notes returns unmistakenly, almost as a reminder of the menace but eventually it is submerged into the first theme.        

(This piece was used in the movie "Conspiracy" that portraits the plotting of extermination of the Jews by Nazi top commanders.)
Rostropovich and Emerson Quartet

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皆因有缘2008-12-07 18:49:43
johnz0022008-12-08 00:27:55
Emerson String Quartet 是最好的,演奏细腻精湛,
weston2008-12-08 02:58:01
weston2008-12-08 03:00:23
法国薰衣草2008-12-08 07:04:03
听完了,也很感慨,谢谢weston 介绍。