Sissel:《Summer Snow》
深蓝大海,夏雪飘飘 It's summer snow in the deep blue sea
想去碰她,她却化了 I try to touch but it fades away
也许只是,余梦缭绕 It must be a dream
从来没有,真的得到 I will never get
就像爱情,为你号啕 Just like my love that's crying for you
如果这里,往事已渺 If there were something
永远不会,改变丝毫 not to change forever
我在心里,深深感到 We could feel it deep, deep in our heart
结束今天,大哭号啕 Today was over with a million tears
人人都有,求生需要 Still everyone has a wish to live
永恒的爱,坚信可靠 Oh I do believe everlasting love
命中注定,再次遇到 And destiny to meet you again
感到心痛,爱的煎熬 I feel a pain
我能挺住,坚持不倒 I can hardly stand
继续爱你,我能做到 All I can do is loving you
深蓝大海,夏雪飘飘 It's summer snow in the deep blue sea
想去碰她,她却化了 try to touch but it fades away
也许只是,余梦缭绕 It must be a dream
从来没有,真的得到 I will never get
就像爱情,为你号啕 Just like my love that's crying for you